Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENU.EXEANSWER WINDOWS WINDOW ANSWER WINDOW ANSWER WINDOWS ANSWER WINDOWS ANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDOPress F1 for Answer WindowPress ENTER to continue.Press ENTER to return to DOS. END OF PROJECT 210: The Holy City, Revelation 21 * * * * *serve the creator of the universe? Will conquest of space be one of the ways a purified humanity will to the entire universe, once the problem of sin has been eliminated? science-fiction writers. Will the habitat of humanity be extended tentatively, on the kinds of scenarios depicted by the ingenious That being granted, it is interesting to speculate, however extension, to the new humanity. What happened to Jesus will happen to all his disciples, and by of the New Testament the single main criterion is Jesus himself. of Revelation 21 literally. Elsewhere in the gospels and epistles after the final judgment. Certainly one must not take the symbolism It is unwise to speculate about what actual human life will be like * * * HOMILY * * * 5. ___ Citizens will share in the government. 4. ___ Citizens will be servants of the rulers. 3. ___ Citizens will be branded. 2. ___ There is no government. 1. ___ The government is run by two persons. J. The government and citizens of the city. 6. ___ its leaves have medicinal value. 5. ___ its leaves have nutritive value. 4. ___ yields fruit in time for feast of harvest. 3. ___ yields crops 12 times a year. 2. ___ is named 'knowledge of good and evil'. 1. ___ has the same name as the river. I. The city's great tree:Screen # 9 6. ___ originates from deep in the abyss. 5. ___ originates from throne of ruler. 4. ___ flows down middle of Main Street. 3. ___ flows around the city's walls. 2. ___ is named Life. 1. ___ is named the New Jordan. H. The city's river 3. ___ no business people are shameful or deceitful. 2. ___ glory and honor of nations brought into it. 1. ___ gates never shut. G. Nature of industry and business: 3. ___ none (no temple). 2. ___ various synagogues, churches, mosques. 1. ___ a magnificent cathedral in central city. F. The central focus of worship services is:Screen # 8 3. ___ the glory of God 2. ___ nuclear power plants 1. ___ the Lamb E. The source of power (light) in the city is: 3. ___ a variety of jewels 2. ___ solid granite 1. ___ pure gold D. The construction materials in the new city are: 3. ___ Angels 2. ___ Apostles of Jesus 1. ___ Tribes of Israel C. The city's walls, gates, foundations are associated with: (Use x to select, ENTER to bypass) Select one or more of the options (21:9 -22:5).Screen # 7 3. ___ About 12 miles in circumference. 2. ___ About 200 feet squared 1. ___ About 1400 miles cubed B. What are the dimensions and shape of the new city? 3. ___ Babylon the great 2. ___ The new Jerusalem 1. ___ The Christian church of the Lamb'? A. What does the angel describe as 'the bride, the wife In each case, select one or more of the options. III. A 'BOWL ANGEL' GIVES JOHN A GUIDED TOUR (21:9 - 22:5)Screen # 6 hands of God. g. The beginnings and endings of all things rest in the in fact receive the inheritance of God. f. Everyone who perseveres in faith to the end of life will for human life. e. Anyone who wants to may become part of God's new plan God will be forever excluded from God's promise. d. All persons who do not live in faith and obedience to INTERPRETATIONS second death.' the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the 7. ___ 'But the cowardly (et al) -- their place will be in be his God and he will be my son.' 6. ___ 'He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will cost from the spring of the water of life.' 5. ___ 'To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without End.' 4. ___ 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the QUOTATIONS Screen # 5 (Continued from previous screen, 21:5-8.) Match. c. John may count on it that what he hears is reliable. remaking human civilization. b. After the final judgment God will begin the process of devil is terminated. a. God announces that the history-long prevalence of the INTERPRETATIONS 3. ___ 'It is done.' and true.' 2. ___ 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy 1. ___ 'I am making everything new!' QUOTATIONS Match. and INTERPRETATIONS of those quotes. Here are two lists: QUOTATIONS from God's speech to John, II. GOD'S EXPLANATION TO JOHN (21:5-8)Screen # 4 loved ones die. 2. ___ People will no longer have to mourn when their forever eliminated from human existence. 1. ___ All the results of evil, including death, are for the old order of things has passed away.' E. 'There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain,Screen # 3 perhaps in a city like Geneva, Switzerland. 2. ___ God will set up headquarters somewhere on earth, dominant within human society. 1. ___ God, being spirit, will be everywhere present and them.' D. 'Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with vehicle, upon planet Earth. 2. ___ This prebuilt city will descend, like a space entirely by the power and wisdom of God. 1. ___ The new type of civilization will be constructed heaven from God.' C. 'I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of (Use x to select, ENTER to bypass.) Select the better of the suggested meanings (21:1-4)Screen # 2 (continued next screen) 2. ___ The turbulence of international conflict is ended. more room for people to live. 1. ___ Oceans (like the Pacific) become dry land, giving B. '... and there was no longer any sea.' 2. ___ What is new is that evil and sin are gone. 1. ___ Planet Earth will be annihilated, then rebuilt. heaven and the first earth had passed away.' A. 'Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first (Use x to select, ENTER to bypass.) In each case select the better of the suggested meanings. Following are a number of significant quotations. I. JOHN'S VISION OF A NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH (21:1-4)Screen # 1 PROJECT 210: Screens 1 - 9 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. The menu at the bottom of the screen means: HELP the new situation in which mankind finds itself. John's attention is now drawn to by the victory of the rider on the white horse, Evil having been purged Revelation 21:1 - 22:5 READING FOR THIS PROJECT ( Screens 1 - 9 ) THE HOLY CITY PROJECT 210